Crown Trophy of Greenville Store #119

Welcome Anthony Koutsos
Greenville Welcome Bio
Please join us in welcoming to our Crown Franchise family, Anthony Koutsos from Greenville, SC, Crown #119. We asked Anthony to answer a few
questions so we could get to know him and his family a little better. If you’d like to extend your own personal welcome message
Anthony can be reached at:
Names of each family member including children (ages of kids)
Wife - Sabrina
Son - Wyatt Scribner (7 Years Old)
Daughter - Sedona Koutsos (2 Years Old)
When your ownership of Crown began?
January 2nd, 2023
Who is in the business (family members)?
Teresa Ramsey (Mother-in-Law)
What did you do prior to becoming a Crown franchise?
Law Enforcement
Why did you decide on a Crown franchise?
Right place right time, Bradshaw’s were looking to retire, and I felt I wasn’t making a difference anymore in law enforcement
Town you are living in now / Is it close to store?
Greenville SC 15 minutes from my house
Born / Raised
Born in Mineola NY raised in Pasco County Florida (New York Part 2)
Accomplishments / Hobbies / Interests /Passions
- Saved(Excepted Jesus into my life), Hot Wife, great kids
– spending time with family, Coaching Soccer, Jeep trail riding, going to the lake or beach, playing Texas Holdem, golfing (I stink) bowling, reading the Bible
– My hot wife, Sports New York Jets, New York Yankees, New York Rangers, and Michigan Wolverine’s, shooting my guns
– God, Family, Work
How do you typically spend your days off?
Spending time with family, working on my property, watching Wyatt play sports, occasionally smoking some good cigars.
Alma Mater
South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy
Claim To Fame: My claim to fame is that both my parents were born in Sparta Greece and met in Long Island NY. Which means I have 100% of Leonidas’ blood running through my veins! Being raised Greek my work ethic is extremely high and come from a large Greek family which means I’m an extravert, a survivor, and have mastered the art of talking junk. I have two quotes that I live by, “Don’t let the things of this world dictate your emotions”, and "God's Definition of success is one of significance -- the significant difference our lives can make in the lives of others. This significance doesn't show up in the win-loss records, long resumes, or the trophies gathering dust on our mantels. It's found in the hearts and lives of those we've come across who are in some way better because of the way we lived." -- Tony Dungy