Crown Trophy of Jonesboro Store #67

Emily Calvert
Jonesboro Welcome Bio
Please join us in welcoming to our Crown Franchise family, Emily Calvert from Jonesboro, AR, Crown #67. We asked Emily to answer a few questions so we could get to know her and her family a little better. If you’d like to extend your own personal welcome message
Emily can be reached at:
Names of each family member including children (ages of kids)
Husband - Daniel (Married 11 years)
Daughter - Reagan (17, Senior)
Son - John Carter (9, 4th Grade)
When your ownership of Crown began?
October 2022
Who is in the business (family members)?
ME. My husband is a procurement manager for one of the many steel mills in our area.
What did you do prior to becoming a Crown franchise?
I’ve been a licensed massage therapist since 2011 and from 2016-2022 I managed the largest spa in northeast AR.
Why did you decide on a Crown franchise?
It was a matter of opportunity. My sister-in-law owned it previously. I would drop my kids off at the store for her to watch and I was interested in the lasers and how things were built. Eventually, we found out that she was looking to sell so we went for it!
Town you are living in now / Is it close to store?
Caraway, AR. I’m about 35 miles from my store so about a 40 minute drive.
Born / Raised
Mountain View, AR-The folk music capitol of the world
Accomplishments / Hobbies / Interests /Passions
I tend to be a “jack of all trades, master of none” so I like to dabble until I lose interest. I enjoy crocheting, reading and lately I have enjoyed working in the yard. Until earlier this year, my husband and I owned a small herd of cattle.
How do you typically spend your days off?
I am a homebody so I don’t like to wander far from there if I can help it. But I do love to travel. I’ve been around the world a couple of times and enjoy experiencing other cultures. If I’m not at home with my family(including my rotten dogs) then my husband and I are usually with our very small, tight-knit group of friends.
Alma Mater
I attended Arkansas State University here in Jonesboro for a short 3 semesters before realizing that type of education was not for me. I took a couple of years off before going to massage school.